Things Worth Considering

Who's Taking Care of the Caretakers?



There is a kind of caretaking that is very different than child rearing. This is caretaking of others who are aging with us: a spouse, a parent, a friend, or a sibling. They may be experiencing a slow loss of independence, or a rapid decline resulting from health issues. Caregiving wasn’t considered important,it was another aspect of women’s family life. When middle class women en masse moved into the paid work force in the 50s and 60s, feminists recognized that women had 2 jobs – as a paid worker at their job AND as a caretaker at home.DOUBLE WORK-one paid, one is not. The expectations of a higher standard of living AND more women working means that grown daughters/and mothers of younger children are STRESSED out by the unlimited expectations, role conflict, and increased demands for better caretaking skills.The entire family is affected, Feelings of overwhelm, anger, resentment become pervasive. Join us for this episode about taking care of you with 7 Tips to Care for Aging Parents.