Things Worth Considering

The 7 Principles of the Affluent Soul



We all experience Consciousness every day, yet our culture is primarily focused on the Physical: material wealth, science & technology. Consciousness can be difficult to understand, because it is NOT physical, so we can’t see, hear, or touch it. Our culture is focused on the physical because it is easier to understand since we can see, hear, and touch it. Modern Physics reveals that Physical Reality is actually: Multi-Layered, Paradoxical, Mysterious, extends beyond our 5 senses, and extends beyond what we call “common sense”. The 7 Principles of the Affluent Soul are: Expand awareness, Identify as Multi-layered Consciousness, Feel Soul through the Heart, Empower through Choice, Express Authenticity, Appreciate with Gratitude and Love in Harmony. The 7 Principles of the Affluent Soul is an instruction manual for conducting efficient experiments that allows the reader to determine for themselves whether their own experiments provide useful benefits to their own lives.