Things Worth Considering

Eureka! The moment that changes everything.



Have you ever had a problem but no solution? You thought about it, gathered the information to solve it, and still no solution? Frustrated, you walk away from your problem all together, maybe there is no solution. Most people when faced with problems resort to Historic Problem-Solving, repeating what we have always done before. But a couple of days later, you wake up, hit the shower, and not really thinking when suddenly the solution to your problem is there, in detail. You feel exhilarated, you have the answer. This is a Eureka moment, an Aha experience. We all have them, but we don’t seem to be able to request them on command. Why, not? Gord and Jan have some tried and true techniques to do to find solutions to problems. Answers can come to us easily without the stress we create when solutions are not forthcoming. The Aha experience is mysterious and yet magical that no one really knows how this experience happens.