Scott Thompson Show

Margaret Atwood weighs in on Trudeau & the Online Harms Act



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: A photo released by Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, over the weekend was meant to calm speculation as to her whereabouts. Writing in the Globe and Mail, Campbell Clark says that if Chrystia Freeland and the federal Liberals are looking for a low-cost economic initiative, the answer lies with the office of Immigration Minister Marc Miller. Keith Mackey joins us to share his insights on two aviation stories catching our eyes today. Overall, about 63 per cent of Canadians would prefer to see lower spending in Trudeau’s budget, according to the poll by Nanos Research Group conducted for Bloomberg. AutoCate, a newly-launched membership-based platform geared toward women, aims to reduce fraud and discrimination in the auto repair industry. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation gave out $14.9 million in bonuses in 2023, according to access-to-information records obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. Bill C-63, the Online Harms Bill, continues to be a point