Liquid Church

How To Serve Others With Humility | The Way Part 5



Have you heard of the incredible moment from the Bible when Jesus humbly washed His disciples' feet? Picture it: the Son of God down on his knees, washing away the dirt and grime from the feet of these grown men, even from the feet of Judas, who He knew would later betray Him. This is the picture of true humility… of servant leadership. Now, wrapping our minds around this type of servant leadership that Jesus modeled isn't easy. He intentionally took on the role of a humble servant, kneeling down to care for the tired, dusty feet of His followers. Imagine the scene: dusty roads, weary fishermen, and there's Jesus, showing us that serving others isn't just a task—it's a way of life. So, what does that really mean for us today? It means that serving others isn't a chore, but a joyous part of who we are as Christ followers. The Church isn't just for our personal benefit, it exists to serve the world. Our purpose is to love others and make a real difference. God has blessed you to bles