Adventures In Angular

080 AiA Aurelia with Rob Eisenberg



Check out Freelance Remote Conf and React Remote Conf! 02:34 - Rob Eisenberg IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog03:23 - Aurelia 04:28 - Conventions and Configurations19:15 - 2015: “The Year of the Framework”23:46 - Databinding and Unit Directional Data Flow27:56 - Advice for Framework DevelopersReactCycle.js32:52 - Tool FatigueJavaScript Fatigue and Keeping Up with Modern Development43:32 - Change Detection45:22 - Aurelia InterfacePicks AngularConnect (Joe) Why Composer John Williams Knows More About Star Wars Than You Do (Joe) LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Game (Joe) Angular 1 and AngularFire (Joe) The Aurelia Docs (Ward) OhYeah! ONE Bar (Lukas) Joe Eames: How Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is Changing the Face of Web Development (Lukas) The Auralia Website (Lukas) RushMyPassport (Chuck) Mogo Portable Seat (Chuck) The Malazan Book of the Fallen (Rob) Scholastic Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction by Edward Feser (Rob) Attack on Titan Vol. 2 by Hajime Isayama (Rob)Special Guest: Rob Eisenberg. A