Adventures In Angular

079 AiA Reactive Programming and Redux with Angular 2 with Rob Wormald



Check out Freelance Remote Conf and React Remote Conf! 02:34 - Rob Wormald IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog02:53 - How redux Works and How it Works in the Context of Angular 2ngrx/storeReactFlux06:19 - Data Structuring and ImmutabilityGerard Sans: Angular 2 — Introduction to Redux How to use Redux in Angular 2 Applications09:11 - Angular 2 FrustrationsPerformance15:54 - Filtering and Ordering18:12 - Application Logic and TestingAndré StaltzWhy React/Redux is an Inferior Paradigm Cycle.jsThe Elm Programming Language[] Cycle.js Fundamentalsflux-challenge 29:21 - Mixing redux and RxJSVictor Savkin: Managing State in Angular 2 Applicationsngrx/store31:12 - Resources/Code Examples[] Dan Abramov: Getting Started with Redux 41:12 - Should the Angular team embrace redux?tactical44:42 - ngrx: Problems47:28 - RxJS 5 and Getting StartedPicks iZombie (Joe) Malcolm in the Middle (Joe) [] Cycle.js Fundamentals (Lukas) Pilot G-Tec-C Gel Rolling Ball Pens (Lukas) Freelance Remote Conf (Chuck) Rea