Adventures In Angular

071 AiA Angular Material with Thomas Burleson



Check out JS Remote Conf and All Remote Confs! 02:35 - Thomas Burleson IntroductionTwitter GitHubThe Solution Optimist 03:01 - Angular MaterialMaterial DesignIntroduction: Material DesignPolymer05:06 - What makes it “Angular-ish”?Layouts09:47 - Visual Design Goals14:38 - Mental Model; - Getting Started with Angular MaterialDocs28:17 - Marketing and User Adoption31:23 - Browser SupportCan I use... Search = flex 35:27 - Perf Story37:47 - Material and Responsive Design 41:07 - Angular Material and Angular 2Picks Screeps (Joe) Lena Reinhard: A Talk About Nothing @ .concat() 2015 (Joe) Meru (Lukas) How to Sharpen Pencils (Ward) Hour of Code with Star Wars (John) Star Wars | (John) Star Wars: The Force Awakens (John) JS Remote Conf (Chuck) Angular Remote Conf (Chuck) All Remote Confs (Chuck) Clash of Clans (Chuck) Dan Abramov: Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel @ react-europe 2015 (Thomas)Special Guest: Thomas Burleson. Advertising Inquiries: