Adventures In Angular

063 AiA Live Q&A From October 7th, 2015



02:39 - When is Angular 2 out? Do you feel like other frameworks (React) are becoming more popular and that people are moving over to them? Will people come back to Angular?21:01 - How can you convince a client to pick Angular over something else like React?26:19 - Should I continue learning Angular 1 or move on to Angular 2? Will there still be jobs where I can use Angular 1 after Angular 2 is released?27:38 - To Typescript or not to Typescript? 33:02 - How do you integrate third-party libraries like Firebase or D3 into an NG2 app, taking into account that NG2 runs on one-way dataflow paradigm fueled by an Rx implementation?36:14 - The Typescript autocomplete/help, etc. that we were discussing before: what tools or IDEs are we talking about?Visual Studio Code38:26 - What is the current state of the Angular 2 router?46:08 - Any really good recent D3/Angular resources? What are some things to look at in regards to performance when implementing D3 with Angular?Aysegul Yonet and Patrick Stapleton: Creating d3 co