School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#252 "No Job for Our Teens" How We Teach a Wealth & Entrepreneur Mindset



A member of my 28-Day Challenge coaching program asked: "I'm curious: what do your kids do for work or how do they learn work ethic? Our oldest is almost 16 and starting a job this summer which is flexible (thank goodness) but as much as she and our family go places we are trying to make sure we're home for part of the summer so she can get hours at that job and earn some money! I know there are ways to earn outside a typical job: do you have a list of ideas for me? We considered selling some of her crafty works on Etsy and she's done babysitting jobs, but I don't see those online options really "paying off". When we consider doing yard work for others or house cleaning etc, I wonder how safe that is for her to go into homes alone... ...and I feel like our summers will be eaten up soon by our older kids trying to hold down jobs. My spouse feels it's so important for them to learn how to work for someone and they can work during the school year, but it would have to be a RE