The Dm's Deep Dive With Mike Shea

Thoughts on Obsidian for RPG Prep



Mike explores using for tabletop RPG prep. Episode Contents 00:00 - Show Start 01:18 - Why Obsidian? 02:40 - Choose the Tool You Dig 04:19 - What Is Obsidian 05:11 - Check the Resource Links in the Show Notes 07:17 - The Fun and Dangers of Dorking With Our Systems 11:28 - Why Obsidian Again? 13:10 - On Markdown 20:10 - On Synching Notes 24:30 - Keeping Things Simple 35:18 - Limiting Hyperlinking 36:03 - The Lazy GM Campaign Template for Obsidian 41:38 - The Danger of Plugin Proprietary Notes 45:32 - Espanso for Text Autofilling 49:40 - Printing Notes to PDF with Automator, Shell Scripting, Pandoc, and Latex... 52:32 - Final Thoughts Links Visit the Sly Flourish Blog Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Podcast Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Buy Sly Flourish Books Getting Started with Obsidian for D&D – PhD20 Nicole van der Hoeven's D&D and Obsidian YouTube Playlist Nicole's RPG Obsidian Notes D&D-tagged notes Non-Lazy DMs use Obsidian for D&