Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Stop Giving People Jobs! | E153



Today's episode of Leadership is Feminine dives into the concept of designing roles within a business as assets, rather than thinking of them as employee possessions. Host, Kris Plachy emphasizes the importance of creating roles that contribute to the business's objectives and results. She highlights the need to think about roles in the company as assets and how this mindset can change the way we create and hire for roles. Kris shares insights into the responsibility of leaders to hold individuals in these roles accountable for their performance and results. She discusses the need to separate the person from the position, emphasizing that roles belong to the business, not to the individuals. Throughout the episode, Kris stresses the importance of making decisions about roles and people based on clear evidence and expectations. The episode provides valuable insights into the relationship between businesses and their employees, underlining the importance of creating a culture of accountability and contribution.