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1066: Stop Overcomplicating PR with Veracity Founder and Author Amy Rosenberg



Building meaningful relationships and increasing visibility requires cutting through PR complexity. By prioritizing authenticity and genuine connections, individuals can forge lasting bonds and resonate with their audience. Simplifying communication and focusing on transparency enable individuals to establish trust and stand out in a crowded landscape. Amy Rosenberg is the founder and president of Veracity Agency, a PR firm based in Portland that uniquely focuses on simplifying PR and making it accessible. Through her podcast, books and signature "less is more" strategy, Amy shows businesses how to cut through PR complexity to build meaningful relationships and increase visibility. Today, she discusses various strategies for effective PR, content marketing, and much more so stay tuned! Resources Veracity Marketing Website Amy Rosenberg on Facebook Amy Rosenberg on LinkedIn A Modern Guide to Public Relations: Unveiling the Mystery of PR: Including: Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media & PR B