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1061: From Idea to Bestseller: Method for Writing Success with Author Everett O’Keefe



Have you ever dreamt of becoming a best-selling author but felt overwhelmed? You're not alone. Many aspiring writers face similar challenges. But here's the thing: there's a way forward. Your book positions you as an expert, opening doors to valuable relationships and opportunities. It's not just about writing; it's about making an impact. So, take that first step. Everett O'Keefe is an International #1 Bestselling Author, authoring six Amazon #1 books. Through his experiences as the founder of Ignite Press, Everett O'Keefe has gained profound insights into publishing and marketing. Today, he discusses how authors can own their intellectual property, leverage books for business success, connect deeply with readers, overcome self-doubt, and much more, so stay tuned! Resources Ignite Press Website Ignite Press on Facebook Everett O'Keefe on LinkedIn Everett O'Keefe's Bestselling Books on Amazon