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1059:  Violence Prevention: Practical Strategies for Individual and Organizational Safety With Workplace Safety Expert Jerry McCormick



Violence is all over the place. Nowadays, you never know when danger will come, and it robs our peace of mind when we should focus on what we do. Just being afraid won’t help, so we must take precautionary actions to ensure safety at our place for ourselves and others. Take the step and have safety training to avoid potential risks and protect ourselves from dangers. Jerry McCormick is a workplace safety expert with over 30 years of experience in law enforcement, including eight years as a US Marine. He is also the founder of Personal Safety At Work, which provides workplace safety training, security assessments, and consulting services to various organizations. Tune in as Jerry talks about workplace violence prevention and safety strategies, active shooter safety drills, handling confrontations, and more. Resources Personal Safety At Work Website Jerry McCormick on Facebook Jerry McCormick on LinkedIn