Mugglecast: The Harry Potter Podcast

594: Basilisk Photobomb (Chamber of Secrets, Chapters 9 and 10)



The Chamber of Secrets is officially opened! But as Dumbledore says, the question is not who, but how? Join us as we learn more about the Chamber's legend, check books out from the Restricted Section, evade Rogue bludgers and handle (un)helpful House-Elves. Plus, we continue to connect some major threads to events of Half-Blood Prince! Welcome Slug Club member, Alyssa! Main Discussion #1: Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 9: The Writing on The Wall 7-Word Summary: Filch scares Harry because he’s acting accusatory Was the attack on Mrs. Norris a trial run? Was Filch the intended target? Or is Mrs. Norris too meddlesome for her own good? What do we make of Ron's reaction to Filch being a Squib? How is it possible that no other students were aware? Why is Snape seemingly trying to implicate Harry? At this early stage, might Snape suspect Harry’s susceptibility to having his mind infiltrated by Voldemort?  Do we think students actually checked out all copies of Hogwarts: A History, or was it a strategic choic