School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#253 Sex IS a NEED for an Extraordinary Marriage



On Instagram, I saw a reel that stated "Myth: Sex is a need. Fact: Sex is a desire, not a need." "All of us can live without sex; we cannot live without water, food, or belonging." I had to disagree and responded: "It depends on how you define 'need'. For survival, no. For connection, bonding, and love -- yes, it's a need. Can you imagine if you're husband said, "You don't NEED me to talk to you. It's just a desire' and then went days, weeks, or months without talking because it's not a 'need'? You would feel pretty neglected. So if you want an extraordinary relationship then sex -- and talking -- are NEEDS.' While the argument may be true that 'needs' are ONLY things that we can't live without -- water, food, belonging -- it's inaccurate when we're talking about the surviving -- not to mention the THRIVING -- of our marriage relationship. Yes, people can live without sex. And talking. But an extraordinary marriage