Afford Anything | Make Smart Choices About Your Money, Time And Productivity

Tips for Tipped Workers, with Barbara Sloan



#434: The majority of financial advice is geared to people with 9-5 jobs: “Negotiate for a raise.” “Max out your 401k match.” “Budget based on your income.” Where’s the financial advice for people who earn money in tips: restaurant servers, bartenders, hairstylists, concierge, valets, ushers, nail salon workers, strippers, or other service industry professionals? What about gig economy workers, freelancers and entrepreneurs? People who don’t earn a regular paycheck? Not only do these workers earn a volatile and unpredictable income, they also often don’t have job-provided health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. They need to provide themselves with these benefits. What should they do? That’s where Barbara Sloan comes in. She’s a financial coach and author of “Tipped: the life changing guide to financial freedom for waitresses, bartenders, strippers, and all other service industry professionals.” Her book and advice applies to anyone who works outside of the traditional confines and systems.