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Mr. Money Mustache Talks About His Dating Life



#431: The title says it all. Paula Pant interviews Mr. Money Mustache about his dating life. We chat about why he wants to date inside the FIRE community (financial independence, retire early) – and whether he’s had any luck. We discuss the perils of navigating into the dating world after a divorce, which he did at age 43. And – AHEM – HE’S ON THE APPS. Well, specifically, he’s on one app. And it’s technically not an app, it’s a website. Whatever. HE’S ONLINE DATING, FOLKS. We talk about the difference between flirting in real life vs. online, and he talks about what he looks for in a dating profile. Our conversation also covers: What’s the point of dating someone inside the FIRE community, anyway? Do you really want to talk about money all day? (Hint: nope) Is he a serial monogamist? What should you do if one person is more interested in frugality, while the other is into investing? Personality, values, communication, chemistry … how can you find that ideal fit? How long does it take to figure out if yo