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The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business, with Elaine Pofeldt



#180: Nearly two decades ago, Stacy Berman, a personal trainer, launched a fitness bootcamp in New York City. She called it Stacy’s Bootcamp. She invited her clients to join her for 5:30 am outdoor workout classes in Central Park. At first, only three or four people showed up. Then the group grew to 10 people. Then 20 people. Then demand grew beyond a capacity she could reasonably accommodate. She hired personal trainers as independent contractors who led additional classes. She limited class size to 20 people who paid $30 to $37 per class, depending on the package they purchased. Her business expanded to Manhattan’s Battery Park and Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. After six years, Stacy’s Bootcamp grossed more than $1 million. The company had zero employees; the other teachers were contractors. Stacy is one of the many entrepreneurs profiled by Elaine Pofeldt, author of the book The Million Dollar, One Person Business. In today's episode, we talk about solopreneurs who make a million without any employees. Fo