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How to Optimize Your Time and Energy -- with Mike Vardy, The Productivityist



#168: You can do anything, but not everything ... and definitely not everything at the same time. How can you optimize your time and energy? How do you choose what's worthwhile and what's a waste of time? How can you eliminate small decisions so that your mind is free to focus on the few choices that make a massive 10x impact? How can you spend less time struggling with your Inbox, and more time on long-term projects that can boost your income? When inspiration strikes or new opportunities present themselves, how can you decide whether or not this new project is worth your time? What's the difference between being efficient vs. being effective? How can you eliminate distractions? Can you train yourself to pay attention to important tasks, rather than getting distracted by Facebook, email, television and other time-wasters? When is it okay to relax? And what are the keys to a great morning routine? In today's episode, productivity expert Mike Vardy describes his answers to these questions. Here are fi