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Ask Paula - I Have Three Kids and I'm Hoping for Financial Independence



#159: Should a 36-year-old father of three invest primarily in Traditional or Roth retirement accounts? Should Rose, a grandmother of four, open a Vanguard account for each of her grandchildren? Should Nancy, who lives overseas and is the sole breadwinner in her family, invest in a Traditional or Roth TSP? Should Scott’s wife rollover her 403(b) from her former employer into an IRA? Should Patrick, age 35, cancel his life insurance plan? Former financial planner Joe Saul-Sehy and I answer these five questions in today’s episode. Our first caller is Mr. “Three Kids and Still Hoping for FI,” who asks: Should I be trying to grab as many Roth dollars as I can before I can’t contribute anymore? Or should I just pour dollars into my traditional 401(k) and have my Roth conversion ladder and/or SEPP-72(t) ready? Rose asks: I have about $1,200 for two of the kids. Can you please suggest the best fund I can start with? Can you also suggest options for birthday gifts? I like giving money, and the kids don’t need anythin