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Suze Orman Says $2 Million is Nothing; You Need $10 Million to Retire Early. Internet Explodes



#154: Want to retire early? You'll need at least $5 million, more likely $10 million, says famous financial personality Suze Orman. I should know. She said that to me, directly, on my podcast. I asked Suze for her opinion about a frugal, flexible person who wants to retire early with a $2 million portfolio. She warned that retiring would be a massive mistake. "Two million dollars is nothing," Suze said. "It's nothing. It's pennies in today's world, to tell you the truth." Wait, what? "Listen," she said. "If you have $20 [million], $40 [million], $50 [million] or $100 million dollars, be like me, okay. If you have that kind of money ... and you want to retire, fine." "But if you only have a few hundred thousand dollars, or a million, or $2 million, I'm here to tell you ... if a catastrophe happens ... what are you going to do? You are going to burn up alive." But what's wrong with retiring early on $2 million? Assuming it's invested 50/50 in equities and bonds and harvested at a 4 percent withdrawal rat