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Ask Paula - Where Should I Keep My Money if I Want to Retire Early?



#146: My friend and former financial advisor, Joe Saul-Sehy, joins me to answer a multitude of questions on retirement savings and investing, so let's dive in. Elyse has two questions: 
#1: Through her job, Elyse has a 401(a) hybrid. Right now, she contributes 0.5% as her employer will contribute 2.5% only when she contributes 4%. Should she contribute the full 4%, or keep her contribution as low as possible, save it, and invest it on her own (which is what she's been doing)? #2: Elyse also has $18,600 invested in a mutual fund through her bank. Everything that she has read says to invest in index funds. So, should she pull her money out of the mutual fund and into Vanguard to avoid high fees? Anonymous also has a few questions:
 She has a 9-year job history with the state and local government, during which she has been enrolled in the Florida pension plan. Her new job offers a 457 Plan and/or a 403(b) Plan to supplement the pension earning. Her first question is: is a 403(b) better than a 457 Plan? O