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Life After Financial Independence - with millionaire investor Emma Pattee



#143: Emma Pattee became a millionaire at age 26. But she hates it when I describe her like that. Here are other ways that Emma would prefer to be known: She's thoughtful. She's hilarious. She's kind. Emma is the child of hippies. She grew up in a tent in Oregon, at least for a portion of her childhood. She has a BFA in writing from Emerson College. She bought her first house at age 21. At the time, Emma was juggling a demanding full-time job with her ambitions of becoming a writer. This balancing act felt too tough. She felt motivated to quit her job as quickly as possible, so that she could devote her time to writing. She moved in with her boyfriend's parents, saved 70 percent of her income, and contemplated what to do next. She decided to "buy a small house in a not-so-nice neighborhood, and live for free by renting out enough rooms to cover my mortgage and make a little money on the side." But then she developed an addiction to real estate. She kept buying houses and converting them into rental pro