Afford Anything | Make Smart Choices About Your Money, Time And Productivity

The Gap Between Knowing and Doing - with Dr. Stephen Wendel from Morningstar



#141: "I'll get around to rolling over my 401k ... next week." "Eventually I'll switch to a cheaper insurance plan." "I really should move my portfolio into lower-fee funds." "Yeah, yeah, I know I should create an estate plan. I'll do it later." ____ We know how to improve our financial lives. We know what steps we ought to take. I'm betting that everyone reading this can name at least one action, big or small, that you could take to improve your net worth. But we don't follow through. Why not? Why do we procrastinate? Why do we ignore the important, in favor of the urgent or the more-pleasant? Why do we act against our self-interests? Why is there a gap between our intentions and our actions? More importantly, how can we bridge this gap? How can we align our knowledge and intention with our behavior? Dr. Stephen Wendel is a behavioral economist and the head of behavioral science at Morningstar, an independent investment research firm. He joins us on the Afford Anything podcast to answer these ques