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Ask Paula: What the F**k are Annuities?



#137: Today's episode is an annuity sandwich: we answer one question about family and relationships, three questions about annuities, and one question about time management. My friend and former financial planner Joe Saul-Sehy joins me to answer questions in what, I hope, is the most entertaining episode about annuities you'll hear. Here are the five questions that we'll tackle today. Anonymous asks: I didn't grow up with much money, and my father recently went into bankruptcy. I've worked hard to become financially stable. Unfortunately, my parents expect a handout. How do you handle parents and other family members who look for handouts when they see you're doing well? Zoey asks: I'd like to retire in the next 10-15 years. I'd like to understand the difference between an investment with a lump-sum payout vs. an annuity fund. What are the benefits and drawbacks of these options? How do annuities work? What are their benefits? How do I know what's right for me? Charlene asks: Let's say you're looking at