Afford Anything | Make Smart Choices About Your Money, Time And Productivity

Ask Paula - I'm Six Years Away From Financial Independence, But I Want to Quit Now



#132: BONUS EPISODE!! On the first Friday of the month for the remainder of the year, I'm rolling out an additional bonus episode. As you know, this podcast airs weekly on Mondays. I'm thinking about maybe -- MAYBE -- expanding the podcast to twice-a-week. Maybe. But before I make such a big commitment, I figured I'd test the waters by producing *one* extra episode per month. I'll release this on the first Friday of every month for the rest of 2018. Today's episode is the June 2018 First Friday Bonus Episode, in which I answer three questions from the Afford Anything community. Enjoy! ____ Cameron accepted a job in the Middle East, where he earns 60 percent more than he could make at a comparable job in the U.S. He also gets free health care and 30 vacation days annually, which gives him time to travel with his wife and four kids. And thanks to his income and benefits, he and his family are on-track to reach financial independence in six years. The problem? He's just not that into his job. He'd like to