Afford Anything | Make Smart Choices About Your Money, Time And Productivity

How We Slashed Our Costs 70 Percent and Gained Happiness -- with Scott Rieckens



#131: Scott Rieckens and his wife Taylor enjoyed a classic Southern California lifestyle. They lived near a gorgeous beach in sunny San Diego. They frequently dined at sushi restaurants. They drove a BMW. But after the birth of their daughter, everything changed. Taylor, an intelligent, career-driven, independent woman, suddenly didn't want to spend any time away from her new baby girl. And Scott had no idea what to do. Their luxury lifestyle depended on dual incomes. At first, he tried to come up with a million-dollar idea. If he could just create a wildly successful business, he thought, he could fix this problem. He started binge-listening to podcasts, trying to figure out how to pull in seven figures, fast. Then he discovered the financial independence movement. And suddenly everything made a lot more sense. Scott realized that if they gave up their consumption habits -- if they moved to an area with a lower cost-of-living, drove less expensive vehicles, or maybe even lived in an RV for awhile -- th