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How I Paid Off Thousands in Credit Card Debt - with Laura Adams, from Money Girl Podcast



#129: Laura Adams grew up in an upper-middle-class family in South Carolina, and her parents supported her through college. She attended her top-choice school, met her husband while they were still students, and enjoyed a charmed life. When she graduated, she continued to live at a lifestyle to which she felt accustomed. She rented a beautiful apartment. She took vacations. When she felt lonely, she comforted herself with shopping sprees. Unfortunately, her spending habits weren't aligned with her meager post-collegiate, entry-level income. Laura quickly found herself buried under thousands of dollars of credit card debt. She began feeling anxious about the debt. Fortunately, Laura channeled that anxiety into action. She cut back on discretionary spending. She watched her monthly mortgage payments fall. She focused on ways to earn more. Every time she'd free a small chunk of money -- a hundred here, a hundred there -- she made an extra payment on her credit card balance. Eventually, Laura wiped out her d