Afford Anything | Make Smart Choices About Your Money, Time And Productivity

Four Unhealthy Attitudes Towards Money -- with Dr. Brad Klontz, Financial Therapist



#127: Most people know what they “should” do — save for the future. Spend less than they earn. Why do so few people follow through? The answer may have less to do with tactics, and more to do with a person’s deep-seated beliefs, fears and anxieties around money. Your income, debt, and spending habits aren't merely a function of your actions. They're a reflection of your deep-seated inner psychology around money. Dr. Brad Klontz, a clinical psychologist and financial planner, joins me on today's show to discuss four "money scripts" that may be harming us. These scripts include: Money avoidance -- We believe money corrupts or that staying poor is noble, so we self-sabotage our success. Yet at the same time, we also desperately (at the conscious level) want more money in our lives, and feel trapped between these conflicting ideas. Money worship -- We believe money will solve our problems. And even though we know that the research says that, after a tipping point, it won't, we don't internalize that idea.