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Ask Paula - Should I Buy a Beachfront Rental Property?



#126: It's time to answer real estate investing questions! Tom asks: "We're thinking about buying a duplex on a beach in a popular vacation destination in Florida. If the property stays 85 percent occupied as a short-term (VRBO) rental at current rates, the income from one unit of the duplex could cover the costs of a 30-year mortgage. "But if a recession hits, Florida real estate might tank. The rental rates or occupancy could drop. And we'd be stuck paying the mortgage out-of-pocket, which means we might not be able to retire. Should we take this risk?" Rachel asks: "Would you consider purchasing a beach house? Also, would you consider buying out-of-state?" Alfredo asks: "I own a couple of rental properties. I have to admit, my personal and business funds are completely co-mingled. I'm trying to separate these expenses, but it's a mess. If I hired professional help, how much might I pay?" Anonymous from the Northeast asks: "I'm gathering friends to invest. We live in the northeast, where home prices ar