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Your Money or Your Life -- with Vicki Robin, bestselling author



#123: In the 1970's, a woman named Vicki Robin teamed up with a man named Joe Dominguez. They came from different backgrounds: she was an Ivy League graduate with a comfortable upbringing; he was raised in Spanish Harlem on "welfare cheese." But they shared one common thread: a commitment to financial independence, not just as a money management strategy, but as a philosophy on life. Vicki and Joe became partners in both work and life. They united over a definition of "FI" that expanded beyond paying your bills through your savings and investments. They saw FI as a lifestyle that exists in three dimensions: 1: Financial Intelligence -- Your ability to think about money in an objective, unbiased and non-emotional manner. 2: Financial Integrity -- Your ability to earn and spend in a manner that's consistent with your values, and to stay aware of the impact of your earning/spending choices on yourself, your family and your planet. 3: Financial Independence -- Your ability to break the shackles of paycheck