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Ask Paula - I'd Like to Airbnb a Yurt. Should I?



#122: Tony lives in Chicago, where the returns on rental properties are so-so. He's thinking about investing in Indianapolis, where he consistently finds rental properties with cap rates that are greater than 8 percent. Should he invest locally, so that he can get a primary residence mortgage and keep a closer eye on the space? Or should he invest out-of-state, where the returns are stronger? Dan lives in California. He's curious: where should he look for rental properties? And when should he buy? Dan holds $150,000 in a savings account and carries a mortgage and car loan with less-than-2-percent interest rates. Should he continue saving, or is he ready to take the plunge? Isaiah and his friends want to buy a plot of land and build two yurts, complete with internal bathrooms and kitchenettes. They estimate this will cost $120,000 and they can Airbnb the yurts for $100 per night. They'd like this to be a hybrid between an investment and a personal vacation spot. Should they do it? Evelyn lives in Brooklyn,