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Ask Paula -- Help! I'm Underwater on My Car!



#116: Stacy and her boyfriend would like to downsize to one vehicle. But they're collectively $14,500 underwater on their car loans. 
 Stacy owes $11,000 on her car, but its trade-in value is $7,200. She's paying a 12.74% interest rate and her payoff date is 2021.  
 Her boyfriend is in worse shape. He owes $18,500 on his vehicle, but its trade-in value is $7,800. He's paying a 21.5% interest rate and his payoff date is 2022. 
 Theoretically, they could sell Stacy's car to a private party, and she could pay off the rest of her loan. But the boyfriend's car is not in great shape, and probably won't survive for the next couple of years. And neither of them have found better refinancing deals. 
 What should Stacy and her boyfriend do? 
 Rachel earns $65,000 per year. She’s 27 years old, contributes 20 percent to her retirement account, and holds $5,000 in savings.  
 She owes $19,000 on a car loan, at a 4 percent interest rate, and $170,000 on student loans, all with different interest rates, but the hig