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Ask Paula -- Get Ready for the Next Recession



#110: Happy New Years! We're kicking off this year on a bright and cheerful note -- with a conversation about the impending recession! Yay! The U.S. stock market is at a peak, continuing its 9-year bull run. The markets have been rising since March 2009 without any major corrections or pullbacks. We are living in one of the longest periods of economic expansion in our nation's market history. That's worrisome. Speculators with short memories are popping champagne corks thinking the good times will last forever, while those of us who are students of history know that what goes up must come down. Trying to guess WHEN the next recession will happen is a waste of time. A more efficient use of time is to prepare ourselves such that when it does happen -- whenever that may be -- we are ready. How can we prepare for a recession? That's one of the four topics I cover in today's episode. Specifically, here's what we chat about in this first episode of 2018: Thayne asks: 1) Broadly -- What are the best investme