Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

School Choice, Replacing Socialism with Competition on Foundations of Freedom Thursday



Today is Foundations of Freedom Thursday, so we'll take a look at a couple listener questions. First, what can be done about the failing education system that indoctrinates our kids and creates enemies of Christ? And Next, how can we read the Bible with a political and legislative understanding?Could the key to revitalizing our education system lie in the wisdom of the past? This episode takes you on a journey through the necessity of education reform, invoking Thomas Jefferson's vision of an educated citizenry and the indispensable influence of Christian principles in modern schooling. We confront a listener's deep-seated concerns about where our schools are headed and the imperative for the faithful to courageously counteract what some see as harmful trends. A personal epiphany unfolds, revealing education as the core influence for the critical issues surrounding judicial nominations and the sanctity of life, that should guide our voting decisions. The larger question remains: Can a collectiv