The Pmo Podcast

Episode 259: Business Driven PMO Success Stories, Chapter 1 - Why PMOs Fail



This week The PMO Podcast™ Featured Story presents "Business Driven PMO Success Stories, Chapter 1 - Why PMOs Fail," presented by Mark Perry (about Mark), host of The PMO Podcast™. I am very happy to announce the recent release and availability of my new book, Business Driven PMO Success Stories - Across Industries and Around the World. This book is my third in the business driven PMO book series, published by J. Ross Publishing. And in today's podcast, I would like to share with you Chapter 1 - Why PMOs Fail. The PMO Podcast™ Points Memo presents, "What was your worst PMO setup experience? I'll go first." Okay, I will admit it. I have made so many PMO mistakes over the last 30 years. And almost always, the errors of my ways could have been easily foreseen. But alas, it happens. Perhaps my first and most memorable PMO setup mistakes happened years ago. I had previously setup and managed a departmental PMO that was viewed as very helpful to the business. On account of that experience, I was named to head