The Pmo Podcast

Episode 257: Tactical Guide for Building a PMO, an interview with Bill Dow, author of the book



This week The PMO Podcast™ Featured Story presents "Tactical Guide for Building a PMO, an interview with Bill Dow, author of the book," presented by Mark Perry (about Mark), host of The PMO Podcast™. I am very happy to have Bill Dow with us today. I have known Bill for quite some time and wanted to have him on the show to talk about his two books and perspectives on PMO Setup and Management. The PMO Podcast™ Points Memo presents, "How to give a sincere apology." If you are like me, every now and then you find yourself in need of giving someone a sincere apology. Now, I know that there are folks that advocate you should never, ever apologize. I am not one of those folks, to the contrary. The PMO Podcast™ Mailbag answers a listener question about not liking being a project manager. The PMO Podcast™ is sponsored by BOT International, the provider of Processes On Demand, a PMO Setup solution used by more than 1,000 companies.Request a Demo LoginThe PMO Podcast™ is a trademark of BOT International. The