The Pmo Podcast

Episode 219: Why was the project manager fired?



This week The PMO Podcast™ Featured Story presents, "Why was the project manager fired?" presented by Mark Perry (about Mark), host of The PMO Podcast™. This little exercise is one of several exercises that I have given over the last several years in PMO workshops all around the world. The purpose of this exercise is to invite discussion and debate about how we approach the practical application of project management in today's business reality. The PMO Podcast™ Points Memo presents, "Beware of the one shoe fits all sizes methodology." One would think that in this day and age we would be well past the mindset that an organization that performs projects should a one-shoe-fits-all-sizes methodology that must be used for all projects - large and small, IT infrastructure and non-it infrastructure, enterprise projects and business as usual (BAU) projects, software development and commercial off the shelf (COTS) projects. For most organizations, this is ill advice. Nonetheless, it happens time and time again.