The Pmo Podcast

Episode 201: The 2010 PMO Symposium, an Interview with Craig Letavec, Vice Chair, and PMO Expert



This week The PMO Podcast™ Featured Story presents, "The 2010 PMO Symposium, an Interview with Craig Letavec, Vice Chair, and PMO Expert" presented by Mark Perry (about Mark), host of The PMO Podcast™. Today, we have with us Mr. Craig Letavec, the Vice Chair of Operations of the PMI PMO Special Interest Group. Craig is also a well know PMO expert, author, and speaker on the subject of PMOs. His book, "The Program Management Office" is a must read for anyone setting up or refreshing a PMO. This is Craig's first time on the PMO Podcast and he is here to tell us about the 2010 PMO Symposium. The PMO Podcast™ Points Memo presents, "Defending Taylor!" It is fashionable these days to be critical of scientific management and to find the term "Taylorism" being used as a derogatory battle cry for opponents of the theory as if the Industrial Era were the dark ages of mankind. To such critics, Taylor's system of controls, measurements, and output based pay stand in diametric opposition to flattened organizations, s