The Pmo Podcast

Episode 039: Hosted or Installed PPM? @task Lets You Choose



This week The PMO Podcast™ Featured Story presents, “Hosted or Installed PPM, @task Lets You Choose", an interview with Abraham Knell, VP of Sales, @task, presented by Mark Perry (about Mark), host of The PMO Podcast™. Abe is an expert in project management, portfolio management, and software delivery models both software as a service and the traditional enterprise installed. Abe has been with @task since its inception and provides a wealth of insights and advice regarding the PPM market, issues and opportunities project organizations face, and how best to go about implementing PPM capabilities. The PMO Podcast™ Points Memo suggests, “Pay Attention To Grandmother”. Do you have the kind of grandmother that gives you advice? As kids, we always enjoyed visiting grandmother and we especially enjoyed all of the good eats grandmother made for us. And, when we sat down to dinner, she would always tell us to finish our vegetables and to chew ten times before swallowing our food. Now, what do vegetables and chewing yo