Building A Law Firm

059: How Much Time Should You Spend ‘On’ Your Law Firm



If you are looking for the answer to the question posed in the podcast you're going to have to listen to the podcast... When I ask people how their business is going they usually say "okay." Then I ask them "what's your biggest challenge?" and they tell me "I'm working in my business too much instead of on my business." Sounds great in theory and it's really catchy, but it's bullshit. Here are 10 ways you can get more time to work on your law firm instead of in it: 1. Stop answering your phone. 2. Stop booking meetings without Acuity Scheduling. 3. Get off of Facebook (and everything else). 4. Stop listening and start doing. 5. No more research. 6. Bill flat fee/contingency OR raise your rates (or both) 7. Close your email. 8. Turn off notifications. 9. If it doesn't help your law firm, don't do it. 10. Stop being a baby and get to work. The fact that you don't have enough time is a consequence of your poor time management and decisions making, period. Start owning your time and you start open