Building A Law Firm

055: Advice for Law School Students Starting a Law Firm



There are a couple of people in the Building a Law Firm Facebook group (if you aren't in there yet what are you doing?!) that are law school students thinking about opening their law firms right out of school. There are whole bunch of limiting beliefs that come with that, and if you pile on some bad advice it could be a recipe for disaster. So I thought I'd drop some knowledge for you today and tell you what I'd do if I were a law school student starting a law firm. Pick a Niche Niches get riches. Experts get paid. Handymen work until they die. That's it. If you want to be a handyman, stuck on the treadmill of life, then be my guest. If you want to win, pick a niche. And if you're not sure what you want to do because you're a law school student starting a law firm there's an easy solution - while you are in school go work for different people for free. See how the sausage is made and find something you like. Charge Flat Fees Ours is one of only a few industries where the better you get at something th