Building A Law Firm

046: Successful Law Firm Essentials



When you’re starting and building it’s important to just focus on the essentials and then add that other stuff if you need to and as you can afford it. Essential number one is you’ve got to have a practice area. Niches get riches. If you aren’t focusing on one space, if you’re not letting everybody know that you’re good in one thing then you’re missing out in an amazing opportunity in the short and long term. When you can tell somebody that you are good in one thing and you are the best, people will come to you for that. If you do multiple things, you’re messages are weaker, vague and cloudy. Essential number two is delving a little deeper and deciding you’re ideal client within that niche. For example, families with more than 3 million dollars in assets. Will you take other clients? Yes, you help everybody but your marketing, messaging, tone and advertising are geared towards your ideal client. The quicker you do this, the quicker you get clients because you’ll be able to speak specifically to the people t