Building A Law Firm

043: Law Firm Marketing Is A Numbers Game



The sooner that you understand that law firm marketing is a numbers game, the sooner your business will take off. There are people who carry their chickens before they’re hatched. There are lawyers who have posted online that they had a great meeting or consultation but in the end these people don’t sign up. This ruin the lawyer’s confidence, his day or his week. There are also people who are crying who thinks “What am I doing wrong?” You should realize that business is a numbers game. Law firm marketing is a numbers game. All of a sudden nay one person that you’re talking to becomes less important and less critical to the success of your business and when that happens a bunch of different things will happen. The potential clients will sense that the supply and demand curve have switched and the demand is higher and the supply is shorter. This will make them want to sign up with you more. You will also relax and have the confidence that confidence that people are looking for when they want to hire somebody t