Building A Law Firm

040: Law Firm Marketing Machine 3rd Lever – Networking



The 3rd component of law firm marketing machine is ‘Networking’. This gets into the sort of trust part of business. it’s not necessary being friends but just having someone you can trust. You want to see the success of your network as well. They get to know about you, your family, your dreams, your goals and people can’t help but want to be a part of that success. That’s what network can get you. Keane Ng, who is a very good mortgage broker and also a greatness tracker subscriber, networking has come out in one of his trainings before. If it comes to networking, it’s really easy to get trapped. If you constantly go to coffees and lunches and make calls, reach out and do things then it can become a job in itself. There is a fine line between networking and becoming a slave to the network. Networking is definitely a component and it can get your business up from the beginning. It can work, you should utilize it. you should just be careful about putting all your eggs into one basket even in the networking bask