Building A Law Firm

038: Law Firm Marketing Machine 2nd Component – Content



This episode is focused on the 2nd step of the law firm marketing machine which is content. Content is extremely valuable - but why? Here are some reasons why you should be creating content on a regular basis. It will allow you to establish expertise. It will create trust. It will differentiate you from everyone else. Plain ol’ SEO. What do we talk about? Answer frequently asked questions. You can do case studies. You can talk about myths related to your practice area. You can do expert interviews. You can talk about your philosophy, values, and your story. How do we create content? Create one piece of content and use it in different ways like using it is a podcast, a video, or a blog. It is important to remember that in this day and age, if someone is referred to you, they initially Google you. So with content available, it builds your credibility and they will immediately assume that you are an expert in your practice area. Links Mentioned in the Show Building a Law Firm Website