Building A Law Firm

35: 5 Elements Of A 7 Figure Law Firm Marketing Plan



How do you get more clients? In this episode, we talk about the 5 Elements of A 7 Figure Law Firm Marketing Plan. The important thing to remember is each of these 5 elements intertwine with each other. What makes them so great is that they build and compliment each other. Element 1: Content The only way that people can determine if you’re good is by the content you create and the relationship you build with people. Content creation is the key to help establish trust with your audience. Element 2: Networking The human touch. You must create relationships. Lawyers are not so great in keeping up with people so it is important that you create a venue where people who are referred to you can find you and learn about you. This is what content creation can do for you. Your credibility is reflected by the content you create. Tip: Do a quarterly review. Element 3: Automated Email Follow Up Sequence Start with two things: a. One for potential Clients - This would be directed to those who have asked about your servi