Building A Law Firm

031 – How to Create Your First $100K or Your Next $100K At Your Law Firm



Building a Law Firm exists for one reason - to help you create you first $100K or your next $100K in your law firm. Today I thought I'd share with you the two-step process to get you there. Step 1: Make the Right Plan It's not just about create A plan, it's about creating THE RIGHT plan. Here are a couple of ways to do that: Hope and Pray... Trial and Error... Copy Someone's Plan That's Already Done It... Hire Someone To Help You Make The Plan... Me? I combine a little bit of two, three, and four to make it work. The question you have to ask yourself is if speed is important. How Do You Execute The Plan? This is probably the hardest of the two steps. Okay, now you have a plan - how do you put that plan into action and actually get stuff done? Especially considering everything that jumps up in your way. Fear. Procrastination. Doubt. Life. Here's what I came up with: Pure Grit/Will/Toughness... Create A Plan of ACTION... Put Some Skin In The Game... Find Your Tribe... If you want to know a